Why I Set Goals and Reflect on the Past Year!

It's that time of the year again; it's time to take a break and reflect on 2023. I love doing this during the Christmas break, as it is a great time to slow down and reflect back on the past year, learn from its experiences and celebrate the victories.

Before sitting down to review my goals today, I went for a walk with my mum, and we had an interesting conversation about goal setting. I mentioned to her that I wanted to look at my goals today, and she asked me, "Do you think you always need to set goals, or maybe sometimes you need to just let things happen?" This sparked a thought-provoking conversation about goals and why it is important for me to set them. I definitely see where my mum is coming from, and if anyone knows how determined I can be when I set myself a goal, it's my mum.

Interviewing Athletes During the Perfect Chapter 2023.

However, for me, setting goals doesn't mean that I can't take another route if something else suddenly feels more right. Goal setting, for me, is a way to check in with myself, ensuring I'm on the right path for ME, and to evaluate if the direction I'm heading is truly what I still want. Goal setting is also a great way to look back at my goals from previous years and reflect on how my dreams have evolved and changed over time. I believe setting goals is one of the most powerful tools to gain clarity about what you want, how to get there, and to keep motivation high. Sometimes our daily routine can keep us in a vice grip, causing us to forget to slow down and be mindful of our actions and whether they contribute to our long-term goals, or if what we're working towards is still our dream. Although I'm not very good at taking breaks, I've learned that if we don't take time to pause and reflect, we might discover too late that we've lost passion for what we're doing and that we need to follow a different path.

My TEDx Talk from Aachen, Germany is online and gained more than 15.000 views!

2023 marked my first year working fully for myself, and wow, what a year it has been. It's been a year where I completely transformed my career and moved in a new direction, working with things I am truly passionate about. It's been a long and winding road to get here, but it feels like all my hard work and self-investment are starting to pay off. This year, my Ted Talk came out, opening up exciting speaking opportunities. I ventured into broadcasting, taking on my first commentary job, participated in numerous events, started a Podcast giving athletes a platform to share their stories, and continued my journey with Red Bull, among much more. I am starting 2024 with a very exciting project where I am taking on a big role, combining my passions for Marketing, Surfing, and Speaking - I can't wait to share more of this with you very soon.

Holiday in Indonesia in August!

Looking at my goal list from last year, I realize that I have reached pretty much all my career goals, but not all my personal goals. Therefore, 2024 will be the year where I also want to pay more attention to my personal goals. Some goals I did reach on this front were to spend quality time with friends and family and take a break and go on holiday. When it comes to my career, it always seems easier for me to put myself out there and go after what I want. This is something I want to learn and pay attention to in other areas of my life as well.

I am ending 2023 with a heart full of gratitude for all the lessons this year has given me. It's been a year where I've learned to navigate new paths and redefine my goals. I am proud of the milestones I've achieved, particularly in my career, and I am really thankful for the support of great friends and family who have been there for me.

Summer in Denmark with my dad, mum and brother!

I encourage you to grab a pen and paper and reflect a bit on the past year, write down your goals for 2024. Look at them every once in a while to check in with yourself, share them with a friend, and keep each other accountable.

I hope this article can help motivate you to find out what makes you happy and follow your dreams. I would love to hear from you - let me know how you reflect on the past year and if you set goals for the new year?


I Have Some Exciting Career News!
